Sunday, July 28, 2013

Trying new things

 Elder Nielson and Elder Jensen on a bike ride.  We went back to the apartment from the church and returned.   I didn't wreck or fall off so that was a good day indeed.  Helmets are not my cup of tea but one must conform.  
  The neighbor kids came by on their way to get water from the well.  I helped them get a few of their buckets full then decided to try it myself.  It was heavy!  Everyone here can carry almost anything and everything on their heads, but as you can see the 10 year old can do it much better than I can!   I don't think she spilled any, but I had it going down my back!  I need to practice that trick a bit more!
Last night our neighbor brought us this plate for our supper.   It was a surprise for us.   It is called bonku and it is really different.    It is another traditional Ghana dish and is a bit like fufu.  The dish on the right is a mixture of corn mill and cassava root, and is pounded with a large stick like the fufu.  The dish on the left is ground-nut soup which you pour over it.  It had a large piece of dried fish in it.   Very strong and spicy flavor.    We ate part of it but not much,  then Elder Smith stopped by and finished it off for us.   We can always count on the missionaries to clean up our leftovers!


  1. Beautiful dishes! Guess I had it in my mind they ate off of banana leaves or something. Just goes to show how little I know about the world outside of Monroe!

  2. Wow the fire truck mud baptism was hilarious! I can't believe that, you would never see someone get into that water here :) that's pretty awesome. I'm glad that you didn't wreck on your bike Dad! And Mom, you'll have to keep practicing the head carry and master it.....just think how much you will get done at home if you have a "third" hand!
    - Natalie
