Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Leaving to teach

 Our road leaving our house, you can see the road maintenance worker cleaning up.   There are a group of school kids in the background going to school.  They all wear the same uniform everyday to school.  
 This view is the other direction leaving our house.  The picture really does the place justice.  Things are not as clean as the picture would have you believe.   You have to watch where your step every minute because of the things that the road maintenance workers leave behind. 
 We went out to this little village with the missionaries today and visited with a few investigators.  Everyone carries things on top of their heads.  I have never seen anyone drop what they were carrying.   The missionaries said that they saw a man with a refrigerator on his head one day.   He was one cool dude.  
 This is the members house that made us fufu a couple of weeks ago.   They didn't feed us this time because we were running late, but they promised to feed us next week.   I can't wait.  They have about 8 children and one set of twins.   A lot of mouths to feed but they are willing to share with us.  The wife doesn't speak English but the husband does pretty well.  
We thought this was a cool picture of Elder Jensen and Elder Bakodie walking to their next appointment. 


  1. Wow Elder and Sister Nielson! I'm excited for you guys! I'll just have to save this website to my favorites! Can you please let the head of the village know that they're missing an idiot. He is living in Washington D.C... You guys take care! John Bringhurst

  2. Love your pictures!!! Your hair is cute Bev :) Tamie
