Sunday, September 15, 2013

The lunch bunch

 This is banku, it is kind of like fufu but the stuff in the plastic bag is cornmeal, and fufu is made of plantain, both have casava root.   The soup is made from okra and some leaves of some sort and a lot of palm oil. (lots of oil)   Again this is an acquired taste.  You pinch off a bit of the meal and make a spoon shape and then dip it into the soup with your fingers.    It only cost one cedi per person or .50 cents.   The younger missionaries love it, the older ones, not so much.
 This is an outdoor theater that is used to show sports events.   Note the satellite dish on the roof in the back ground.   This picture was taken from out table.   
Here is the outside of the building where we ate.  The missionaries eat here a lot because it is owned and operated by a member of the church and he treats them very well.   Besides that, the price is right.
 You can buy about anything you want on the street or if you don't want to go out shopping things will appear on your front porch.   This big thing is scrubbing cloths for the shower.   This roll was so heavy I could barely lift it off the ground.    
 Later we found these same two men downtown and he let us take another picture of them with the roll of scrubbers on his head.   I'll bet it weighed about 60 lbs.   He was really proud of the design he made, it really was pretty.
The other guy was selling underwear.  They were really funny guys and we had a good time visiting with them.
 The LDS church building in Kade.   It is small and almost out- grown.   On Sunday it is full with standing room only.    I think that it was built as a house but converted to a church.   Bedrooms are used as primary and priesthood classrooms.  The people don't seem to care how fancy it is, they just want to come to church and learn about the Lord.   This is a rented building so the church is looking for land here to build a chapel.
 The baptismal font is outdoors.   It is made of cement blocks and lined with tile.  They have a problem with the water system here and the missionaries have to fill it with buckets dipped out of a large tank.  This is one project that Elder Nielson is going to fix.  
These are the missionaries who are serving in Kade.  Elder Lamb, Elder Amumi, Elder Nelson, and Elder Lwanga.  We get to see them about once a week when we go up there.  They are a great bunch of guys, and even better missionaries.


  1. I don't know if my last comment will post or not, but I was talking about those disgusting looking snails, and how they didn't look like the escargot that dad likes to eat! everybody looks good, even though its probably still a shock to the max. it is fun to look on here and see the things that you are doing.

  2. Wow....I can't believe that building you ate lunch at! Crazy. Cool design on the scrubbers though! You guys are getting good at carrying things on your heads! :) you'll have to keep us updated on the baptismal font project!
    - Natalie
