Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Market day

 Here is just one small portion of one street in the town of Asamankese.   Most of the selling on market day takes place on 5 different streets. 
 These look like bananas but they are really plantains.  They are used in the making of fufu and are always used green.   They are very big and grow in large bunches.   
I bought a cutlass for our clean up day.   They are used by everyone here for about every purpose under the sun.   Even small school children carry them to school each day so they can mow the lawn at the school at playtime.  I think I will start to carry one with me so I can fit in better.    
 We were buying sugar yesterday and I am standing by two missionaries,  Elder Wylie on the left and Elder Akompi is standing by me.  It is out P day so we were in street clothes.   I like to dress like this without a tie.    Besides we blend in better when not in white shirts, white skin and ties.   The lady measures the sugar into a tin can and fills it with her hand.  If you can look past that the sugar is good. 
 Now if you like snails these will be just up your alley.  The great thing about these is they were all alive.   The lady would sit there and keep pushing them back onto the plate when they tried to sneak off.   Some of them were very big like maybe around a pound or so.   Humm  good.   The big root in the background is the other ingredient in fufu,  it is a casava root. 
 Local butcher shop,  it is out in the open so you can get a better look at the piece of meat that you want.   They will cut it off on the chopping block you can see in the background.   We haven't bought any meat from this store yet but maybe soon we will.   We should have a barbecue.
 We can get frozen chicken here at the cold store.   They have a big freezer like the one you would find on an 18 wheeler truck.   That is the storage locker.   When you place your order the man goes inside and comes out with your chicken.   Then they weigh it in this scale. 
 He dressed it for us which means he cut it up with his cutlass on a wooden block.  After he finishes the cats come in and clean the chopping block of all remaining chicken parts.   We have made friends with this man and he was very nice and let us take pictures of him.   People here are very easy to make friends with and smile from ear to ear when we talk to them and buy their products.   Of course it is very easy for them to remember us. 
Here is the main street here in town, this was not market day so it is not too busy.   The street is all dirt and it gets really dusty and dirty.   Then after a rain it all turns to mud.   I feel sorry for the people who have shops along this street because of the dust.   There are no doors on the shops so you can imagine what everything look like.   Shopping here is real experience but we are getting better at it and finding out where things are and what they are used for.    

1 comment:

  1. ok could those snails look any more disgusting?! they don't look too much like the escargot that you like so much, Dad. did you buy one? it is fun to look at all the pictures of you guys, and see what you are doing. I'm sure that we could not even imagine all the sights and sounds and smells.
